SJ Klein. I am curious about how/where to pose questions or ideas for advice (and find that some advisory board members are too :)

Thoughts :

1. Does this need to be a separate wiki? Could it be usefully made part of meta? Most of the advisory-style discussions are things that all meta-editors would be interested in, might have contributions to, and might at least link out to previous discussions about -- all already on the same site.

Since one of the advantages of single-wiki is casual visibility through RC and inbound links; and ease of linking to a topic or thought (planning to write a new page and discovering something already there by someone with a similar but intriguingly different idea a year previous is one of the best ways to get real inspiration), I see a lot of reasons to make it easier to create beautiful separate portals on Meta.

(But what are the other reasons to split into a new wiki?)

2. How about categories of users-and-advisors on other projects? Surely we can bubble up visibility of who advisors are for the half who edit.